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TNT Bulldogs Dog Training & Breeding Professionals
Question #1

What kind of a temperament do English Bulldogs have?

The most common words that are used to describe a bulldog are; easygoing, loyal, playful, funny, well-mannered dogs.  

Question #2

Do English Bulldogs get possessive?

Just like most breeds of dogs English bulldogs get possessive over their food. They can also become possessive of their bed and 9 out of 10 times usually “mark their territory” and pee their bed.

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One hundred percent. English bulldogs are known to be loyal and very protective over their family, especially young children. They are known to be “gentle giants”

We feed all our dogs a kibble diet. We recommend royal canine but do know that that can be on the pricier side. A great alternative is Victor.

The English Bulldog breed is categorized as a Medium sized dog. Although genes have a lot to play in how your dog will turn out, what you feed them and how much also plays a big part.  The “typical” English Bulldog is usually around 40-50 pounds but can range much higher depending on DNA and diet.

To be quite honest this breed particularly doesn’t need much exercise. They are perfectly fine finding a nice comfy spot on your couch and crashing out for the day. Because they are a short nose breed to much exercise can cause them to have trouble breathing.

This is probably THE most important question. English bulldogs do NOT do well whatsoever in the heat. They become overheated very very quickly. The hot ground on their paws gets them dehydrated very very fast and it’s hard to get them to calm down once they are at that point. It’s very important to be aware of the temperature and how your dog is acting.  Ways to cool down your dog are.

  • Take them to a cool area
  • Use wet cold clothes (not too cold to shock them) under their legs to cool them down
  • Put them in front of a fan to dry them down and cool them off further
  • Give them cold water to drink
  • Excessive panting
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Fast breathing
  • Lethargic behavior
  • Disorientation
  • Vomiting/diarrhea
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Do you have any other questions?

Thanks to TNT’s dedication and a plethora of breeding knowledge, the highest quality English Bulldogs are available year-round. We have been able to produce healthy and strong puppies with amazing posture and wonderful wrinkles.

Our team is always available to assist with any questions in mind. We are leaders in our industry with an abundance of knowledge and first-hand experience.

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